Rajesh Bhandari

When young minds are challenged to think big, they will always believe to push their envelop forward regardless of situation.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Micro Manager

“Ohh again he strides inside, surely he is going to thrash again", that is what I heed from most of my team mates as I just joined my job and to be more candid first day of my career. 

Do you guys working on your project or spending time on social media? I can see all of you at messenger online. Do you all discern what our competitors are doing few meters away? A new tech has been updated, would you imagine what is that going to cost us? You don’t even have an idea about what they are upto? unquestionably I am working with the dumbest people possible. And don’t forget we are paying you each month. 

Mr. Prakash (senior to most of us) let me see what you are up to, I have told you not to drink coffee and do work at the same time, you guys never listen to me. 

Hey you what’s your name? yea, yes you the girl at the right corner, what’s your name? I am Ms. Jhuma sir, today is my first day, and I have joined the team to get to know more about them and the workplace. Tell me what you did since morning? Scrupulously that was the most excruciating moment in all my life had someone asked me. 

I could not utter a single word and a pin drop silence across the chamber. Detached, disgruntled and less stanch but endowed and artistic as they are. I found most of them have come from different walks of life with prodigious skills and understanding. But I couldn’t figure out what made them misaligned with the company goals as per the Boss description on my first day.

I kept thinking about my manager whole night, the reason that kept me thinking about him was to figure out his management style. Is it a democratic? Autocracy? Or what exactly. Surprisingly I never saw people from mid and top level ever since I joined the company till 4 months of my tenure. Consequently, I couldn’t even notice my CEO was just right in front at cafeteria for a coffee break.

 Had I knew I could have sat next to him and ask more about his career and his accomplishment. I then ask to one of my senior (Mr.Prakash) who is sitting next to me, can I talk to the CEO of our company when I am in deep problem or confused about my life and career as the years passes by? don’t even dare to think about it, he replied. I ask why? And what is wrong with it? He said, he is the boss, you are just a 4 months’ older employee. Why do you need to talk to them?, they are much busier than us. 

They will never let you know when they come and go, you better stay away from all this, if you go and talk one thing, for sure they will tell you don’t mess around more in cafeteria better focus on work. 

You know Mr. Prakash if I become a manager I will surely find time for my people, ask them if they are facing any problem, how they are doing and help them find the solution, perhaps try to develop a better culture where they themselves think, feel, act and behave and I will be just a mentor for them and not so called boss or something.  

And do u think all people love to work with such companies? I asked. Till you find the next good boss he replied, that is something just to envisage, People panic if they will be out of the job for a year once they quit. Then why are you still at the job? Same story dear, he retorts.

Up until my graduation, I was exposed with few style of leadership and knowing anything more than that I could have spent more time reading management article or view more related books and literature. It makes me remind back to my college days where most of my teacher were like  the same. 

Ms.Jhuma I saw you yesterday at the mall. Tell me when did you get back to home? Tell me what is role of HRM at capacity development within the organization and how it impacts the overall economy of our nation? It makes me feel like micro managers are at most places, be it schools, colleges, universities, and companies at large. 

More about being like a boss and take control of everything wherever you work, but it was only then I switch off the company and move to the next one after completion of 6 months of my provisional period. It was more like I didn’t like the company culture than my boss could ever judge on me how I am?

My next job, till then I was 6 months old with ample extent of bitter experience, anyone good inside the organization, I am sure I am going to make a good friendship with them. I was also worried about the characters of my going to be boss. My first day, I reached at the gate of the office, pounding my heart like never before. Good morning Ms. Jhuma, I welcome you to our company at your very first day, hope you had a great career ahead, a gatekeeper with a mammoth smile.

 I was just speechless, with the gate keeper astonished words, thank you so much I replied. As I moved on passing by him away from the gate, a good sentiment with stacks of worthy vibes across the organization for the first day. A gatekeeper? how does he know my name? how he is sure about my opening day at the company? Is he trained by the organization? He must be.

 I asked myself a question. If a gatekeeper owns such a colossal value, how about the administrator? moreover how about people and the top management? The first day, opening conversation with the receptionist, she guided me to stay for a while there nearby that looks as a waiting room for the boss to come and receive. A minute later, a gentleman with high elite personality loomed at me, are you Ms. Jhuma? Yea, yes sir I retort as gently as I could. 

As he drawn-out his hand to give me a well-founded shake and said I am Mr. Peterson, CEO of the company, as you have just joined the company it’s my concern to accept my people to make them contented working here from the very first day of working. Ms. Jhuma if you have any problems please address, I will see how I can be your better mentor to provide the best environment probable, so that you will grow as a leader. 

As we walk through the corridor he then showed me my cabin, made me sat and made comfortable, I will be back in a moment, he said. As he walked out, the moment I utter a word sir, I woke up with a sound of alarm back home, it was 6:30 am alarm bell in my mobile phone, ohh nooo. Uff ! Again back to the office, my job? No no its my boss again. 

When everything fluctuates, the basic underpinning of management and leadership continue to be the same”. Isn’t it? It took me 5 long years to lead a team of 12 members and 7 years to lead the entire organization now. I presume it’s a new turn around for philosophical perspective of management. Everyone applaud to Ms. Jhuma.

 By Rajesh Bhandari
Program Director Brixton College
President PVP Nepal Province No 7
Cell: 009779805422784
Email: tfabodoc@gmail.com


Business ideas said...

Great 😊😊

Unknown said...

Your seamless attempt in differentiating various working methodologies inside corporate houses is perfectly portrayed. Situations and storylines are absolutely balanced. Ending part of this blog is just like cherry on the cake which unexpectedly gives goosebumps to the readers. Looking forward for next blog.

Re-art your perspective said...

thank you. pls mention your name

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