Rajesh Bhandari

When young minds are challenged to think big, they will always believe to push their envelop forward regardless of situation.

Monday, December 28, 2020

there is no good or bad leadership


                                                      There is no good or bad leadership

The whole management aspirant is revisiting leadership to find its privilege, despite numerous articles and videos out at journals and YouTube respectively. Individuals never tend to satiate with the fact that to know about what leadership style looks like.

It is not only true with the scholars and instigators but equally had gained a lot of value in front of management researcher, professors, and experts. One research state its limited study around their gamut of analysis, the other has a different story to utter.

Scholars are confused about which style of management they need to adopt when they grew as a leader, whatsoever.

Google has bombarded information to confuse in one way, and to add to the misery, speaker and experts across the globe are nothing less then a powerhouse to confuse people.

It is more like an informative battle, a battle of opinion between what is good and whose opinion values more than others.

But the reality is they present similar information using different methods and styles.

The obsession with leadership has definitely changed the way we look at work, career, and game that we play every day in our life, but it has also diverted mind towards a paradigm shift in a way we build a relationship with the world.

I recently read an article, from HBS executive, leadership insight, that simply states leaders are confronted with sudden, acute challenges increasingly frequently in today’s rapidly moving world and shifting competitive landscape. Covid-19 is a dramatic case in point, as we move into the next stage of virus response, actions by governments, competitors, suppliers, customers, and investors continue to create unique circumstances that strain every company across the globe.

Experimenting the above statement, leaders of few nations had done a great job not that they innovate something new to kill the virus but had taken care of their citizen like their own kids,   

Mr. Barack Obama showed to the whole world, how humanity integration with humility can go a long way to earn trust from each citizen,

And the over-sensitive trump, anti-secularism Modi, and escalated communist xi zing. I wonder who is good, who is bad. but the fact is they all have written a history of their own kind.

 Humanity keeps writing about it. Never find the way to predict how the future plays in.

Not to forget Fred Swankier, left Mackenzie, MBA from Stanford established the school of entrepreneurship in Ghana. A revolution that Africa needed.

Could you imagine a leader who believes in democracy, had to play out his style at a highly centralized organization? Who is bad, who is good, overloaded information did not make things easy it has rather developed complexities. Compel humanity to differentiate between good and bad with a dynamic parameter for leadership.

A simple reason why humanity keeps changing leadership over time. But the true privilege remains the same to serve humanity are large, whatever doctrine one follows. 

Good and bad is a written task. 


Leadership and Management

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